WordPress database error: [Table './cxggro5_support/wp_cleantalk_sessions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed]
SELECT value FROM `wp_cleantalk_sessions` WHERE id = '579352c839db1c70b874e330abc27908bcf535bdc61a14f4b897b0f565ada556' AND name = 'apbct_urls';

WordPress database error: [Table './cxggro5_support/wp_cleantalk_sessions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed]
INSERT INTO wp_cleantalk_sessions (id, name, value, last_update) VALUES ('579352c839db1c70b874e330abc27908bcf535bdc61a14f4b897b0f565ada556', 'apbct_urls', '{\"carlosgil.biz\\/category\\/uncategorized\\/page\\/2\\/\":[1714948518]}', '2024-05-05 22:35:18') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = '{\"carlosgil.biz\\/category\\/uncategorized\\/page\\/2\\/\":[1714948518]}', last_update = '2024-05-05 22:35:18'

WordPress database error: [Table './cxggro5_support/wp_cleantalk_sessions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed]
SELECT value FROM `wp_cleantalk_sessions` WHERE id = '579352c839db1c70b874e330abc27908bcf535bdc61a14f4b897b0f565ada556' AND name = 'apbct_site_referer';

WordPress database error: [Table './cxggro5_support/wp_cleantalk_sessions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed]
INSERT INTO wp_cleantalk_sessions (id, name, value, last_update) VALUES ('579352c839db1c70b874e330abc27908bcf535bdc61a14f4b897b0f565ada556', 'apbct_site_referer', 'UNKNOWN', '2024-05-05 22:35:18') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = 'UNKNOWN', last_update = '2024-05-05 22:35:18'

Uncategorized Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Carlos Gil
Be Found! Tips for LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Be Found! Tips for LinkedIn Profile Optimization

My third week at LinkedIn is officially in the books. I’m enjoying the culture, being a part of a new team, and working for an organization that is driven by transformation. It’s only fitting that immediately after announcing that I’d be working for LinkedIn, I...
Hired! From Laid-off to LinkedIn

Hired! From Laid-off to LinkedIn

Over the last 7 years, my career has gone through several ups and downs. Each time I have learned from the experience and come away stronger than before. On November 6th 2008, due to the economic recession in the U.S., I found myself jobless. The banking industry was...